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Eminem set to become a grandfather after daughter confirms pregnancy.

Amos Boom | October 6, 2024

The US rapper revealed the news in a music video released on Thursday. His 28-year-old daughter later made her own announcement in a social media post.

The 51-year-old revealed the news in a music video released on Thursday for his song Temporary, which is dedicated to his daughter Hailie Jade.

The video features a montage of clips of the pair during their lives – including a moment when she presents her father with a blue jumper with “Grandpa 1” written on the back.

Jade then hands him what appears to be an ultrasound scan – which a visibly surprised Eminem then shows to the camera.

The 28-year-old also later confirmed her pregnancy in an Instagram post on Thursday.

Jade, who is a social media influencer uploaded photos of herself and husband Evan McClintock hugging and looking at the ultrasound image.

“Mom & dad est. 2025”, she captioned

Written by Amos Boom


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