WhatsApp Introduces the “Like” feature.

WhatsApp has rolled out another feature like the Instagram’s Stories-like feature. It recently allowed users to share longer video status updates.
WhatsApp rolled out Status updates recently and they are similar to Instagram Stories. Users can now receive likes on their Status updates, said messaging platform in a recent blog post. Users can also re-share their friends’ WhatsApp Status updates if they’re mentioned in it privately. This is new for the instant messaging platform and the experience and interface appear familiar to Instagram Stories.
“With status likes, private mentions and the ability to re-share a status you’re mentioned in, we’re making it easier to reach the people who matter most,” said WhatsApp.
How this “Like” feature works…
Users can now like the status on WhatApp with a single tap on the green heart button. “Status likes are private and don’t have a counter, so only the person whose status you liked can see them as a green heart in the list of viewers,” said WhatsApp in a blog post.
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