Whatsapp introduces transcripts (text captions) on voice notes.

WhatsApp has announced, it is set to become even more enterprise-friendly with the addition of voice message transcripts.
WhatsApp has announced a new Voice Message Transcripts- feature for select languages.
WhatsApp also notes that it can help comprehend longer voice notes more easily.
WhatsApp’s announcement blog wrote:
“There’s something special about hearing your loved one’s voice, even when you’re far away. Though sometimes, you’re on the move, in a loud place, or you receive a long voice message that you just can’t stop and listen. For those moments, we’re excited to introduce voice message transcripts. Voice messages can be transcribed into text to help you keep up with conversations no matter what you’re doing.”
To get started, users can navigate to Settings > Chats > Voice Message Transcripts, to easily toggle transcriptions on or off and choose their preferred transcript language. To transcribe a voice message, simply long-press on the message and tap “Transcribe”. It will not automatically transcribe every message.
Transcripts will be rolled out globally in the coming weeks, initially supporting a select number of languages. On iOS, the supported languages for voice message transcripts depend on a user’s OS version. If they’re using iOS 16 or later, available languages include English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Chinese, and Arabic. For iOS 17 and above, additional languages such as Danish, Finnish, Malay, Norwegian, Dutch, Swedish, Hebrew, and Thai are supported.
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