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Mariam Ndagire: Vulgar Music Tarnishes Artists’ Legacies

koolxd | July 10, 2024

Mariam Ndagire has shed light on her decision to leave the music industry over a decade ago, despite having numerous hit songs. She chose to focus on her successful film career, where she has significantly impacted and nurtured young talent, providing them with free support as she once received.

Ndagire voiced her concerns about the current music scene, criticizing the trend of producing vulgar music. She argues that while such content may bring short-term fame, it ultimately damages the artist’s legacy, especially in the digital age where content is permanent.

“It’s disheartening to see our young musicians resorting to obscenities. They might gain temporary attention, but it’s unsustainable. One singer who continuously produced vulgar music has now faded into obscurity,” Ndagire remarked.

Written by koolxd


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